mercoledì, ottobre 04, 2006

Monopoliomielitis Nummaria

A rare disease affecting central bankers: Monopoliomyelitis (Monopoliomielitis

Monopoliomyelitis (economic paralysis, monopolio)

What is monopolio?

Monopolio is a viral disease which may affect the central economic
system, some
people think they can be able to print fake money forever exclusively
for their
own benefit. While monopolio immunization has not become widespread, cases of
monopolio are very common.

Who gets monopolio?

Monopolio is more common in adults working in the banking sector and occurs
under conditions of poor etics and poor parental care.
However, economic paralysis is more common and more severe when
infection occurs
in older individuals. In exceedingly rare cases, monopolio information has
caused revolutionary acts in a person who received the knowledge or in
a person
who was a close contact of an aknowledged recipient.

How is monopolio spread?

Monopolio is predominately spread through close-door bankers meetings
in Basel,
Washington, and Frankfurt.

What are the symptoms of monopolio?

Infection ranges in severity from an unapparent infection - like Free-Trade
zones - to a paralytic economic disease which may result in death of the whole
economic system.
Symptoms include inflation, deflation, structural reforms, flatulence,
headache, excruciating social pain and hard stiffness in the back.

How soon after infection do symptoms appear?

The incubation period is usually six to 20 years of standard years of
study in economics.

When and for how long is a person able to spread monopolio?

Patients are most infectious from seven to 10 years after they are
enrolled in a
major financial institution (IMF, WB). However, patients are potentially
contagious as long as the virus is present in their speeching and proceedings.
The virus persists in the brain for approximately one week after they
are fired
from their employer and it is excreted in the feces for several weeks or,
occasionally, months.

Does past infection with monopolio make a person immune?

There are three types of monopolio virus (media professionals, congressmen and
lobbyists). Lifelong immunity usually depends on which type of virus a person
contracts. Second attacks are not rare and result from infection with a
monopolio virus of a different type than the
first attack. I.E. you may be infected by a more rich-class-virus.

What is the treatment for monopolio?

There is presently no definitive cure for monopolio. Treatment involves
supportive care and enactment of complementary currency systems [ccs]. Some
scientists label ccs as a palliative.

What are the complications associated with monopolio?

Complications include economic paralysis (most commonly of the poorest).
Paralysis of the economic activities can be fatal.

Is there a vaccine for monopolio?

No, you can only try to immunize yourself by education. You can try by reading
many books available for free on the internet or joining some
mail-list. Adults
traveling to countries where monopolio cases are occurring should review their
immunization status.

How can monopolio be prevented?

Maintaining high levels of monopolio education in the community is the single
most effective preventive measure.